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5 Tips for Navigating Virtual Learning

virtual learning tips

Establish basic routines

Routines help children (and adults) know what to expect, creating a sense of comfort and security. Instead of setting a strict schedule, try to follow some simple routines, such as waking up and having lunch at the same time each day.

Create a Space for Learning

If possible, set up a quiet, comfortable space in your home for learning. Ideally, the space has limited distractions and is not in an area where the family plays or watches TV. If your child’s learning space is in a common area, consider providing them with a box or crate to keep all their school stuff together. That way, they can put everything away at the end of the day and pull it out in the morning.

Encourage organization

Online learning is a lot less structured than a traditional school day. Children of all ages may need help staying organized, staying on task, and completing assignments. Encourage your child to create a calendar and to-do lists.

Take brain breaks

It can be challenging for kids to focus for long periods. Help your child reset and refocus by setting alarms throughout the day to:

  • Close their eyes for a minute.
  • Listen to a favorite song.
  • Get outside for some fresh air.
  • Do a few jumping jacks.

Be Patient and Flexible

Expecting everything to go perfectly can lead to feeling discouraged and disappointed. As best you can, try to be flexible and willing to adjust when necessary and be patient with both your child and yourself.

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